The Adventures Of
Bandaid Girl.

October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Date!
Hey guys, just thought I'd post and let you know how the date went.. lol.

I didn't wear my dress, it was too cold. Plus my stocking things were pissing me off (the kept falling down). Other than that it was really fun. I took Tyler to la pochetta's. He had lasagna, and I had vegetarian pizza. Then we went and had ice cream. Mine was delicious! Vanilla ice cream with chocolate and caramel bits.. Then we went to the movies and watched 'Fast Food Nation'. The movie was ok, abit weird/scary/gross in parts. There were so many famous/recognisable people in it.. lol, even Avril Lavigne was in it... bahaha.. :)


Friday, October 27, 2006

Exams are coming soon *cries*
Two major assignments were due in today. I got them finished, but I left them way too late... stoopid me. I've officailly finished all my actual classes for this year, but I still have three exams to sit. I'm kind of scared that I'll fail... but i always feel this way around exam time.

Tomorrow I'm taking Tyler on a date to La Porcheta and then we're going out for ice cream, and then a movie. :D Last time we were at highpoint Tyler was all sneezy and cute. He was about to sneez on me, but he was a gentleman and his turned his head just in time to sneez on a couple passing us instead ^_^ I'm gonna take pictures of us before we go on our date, because we will be all dressed up and snazzy (I'm gonna wear a dress!).


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bandaid, Bandaid.
My blog is officially boring. That’s right guys. Make-over time. I'm going to redesign it hopefully soon. I'm thinkin' a orange and blue theme or purple and green perhaps. You'll all just have to wait and see... Oh the suspense!

We'll I'm nearing the end of my first year at uni. It hasn't been that bad/hard. Although i have been feeling particularly unmotivated this semester, but this feeling seems to be mutual amongst people I’ve talked too about it. The 3 1/2 months break will do wonders i think. As soon as I’ve finished uni this year I’m going to play a lot of the Sims 2 (omg, they're bringin out sims 2 pets!) and I’m gonna get a gym membership (to balance out all the sitting -on- my-arseness from the sims marathons...). At uni today we were talking about the thesis we will have to write in year 4. I found out that there has to be a lectures person who specialises in the topics we want to do. Although, fortunately, I found out that there is someone who specialises is body image and eating disorders, so I’m excited.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tyler and I are starting an orcs and goblin warhammer fantasy army. Yes, i know you're all very excited about this, but alas, you will have to wait for pictures. Tyler's making them, and I'm painting them. At the moment I working on some spiders and little goblins that get to ride them. I really like this army coz they have cute little creatures, theres spiders and piggies and these little things i can't remember what they're called, but i think they originated from mushrooms (aww).

Right now, I'm supposed to be attending my knowing and knowledge lecture, but becasue Tyler is awful, I am at home sick. Yes, it is all his fault :P

I had to go into centrelink today (*grumblegrumble*) Because they cut me off rent assistance, on the plus side i checked when the lease finished... 3rd of feb! It seems so far away though, I can't wait.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Feeling Emo



*Caity McCait-Pants




